SF: I can't tell you how much I loved the first two Superman films by Richard Donner. After the horror that was Superman Returns, a new film was desperately needed. This incarnation surprised me by how different it was from the predecessors but without giving too much away I found it very enjoyable, imaginative and more serious than expected. Henry Cavill did a brilliant job and Lois Lane was fiery - like she is supposed to be. Also beautiful cinematography. Well worth a watch. 7.5/10
50Eggs: Hooray! My most anticipated film of the last year turns out to be brilliant. The opening half hour is as unexpected as it is action packed, and does a great job of giving us a new take on the origin story. Things continue in this vain, showing us more of the mythology than in any previous Superman film, whilst simultaneously ramping up the action to unprecedented levels (admittedly it's somewhat relentless but, unlike the awful Transformers films, you can at least see what is going on). The cast is uniformly great but special mention to Henry Cavill for nailing it and for being proper stacked. My girlfriend actually made an unintentional swooning noise when he got his pecks out. 9/10
DonkeyB: Review delayed! Oh the humanity (or Alien being with a moral inclination to save it). The first part on planet Zod or whatever is boring, sub school kid look how smart I am nonsense . Then there is a brief interlude in which earth bound Clarke struggles with his developing super powers- this part was good, I actually started to find myself caring about the characters. It was over all too quickly. The relationship between Clarke and Louis must go down as one of the worst on screen romances in history; negative chemistry between Adams and Cavill. Then the hitting things with things started and it is long and boring and pointless. And the further away from the film the more I resent it. Crap. 3/10
Overall: 6.5/10
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