Monday, September 23, 2013


SF: Brilliant and enjoyable movie following the start of Jackie Robinson's prolific career in baseball. Harrison Ford gets one amazing line after another, which really adds a great deal of humour. A good balance of serious issues, baseball and entertainment (after all its still a film). The acting is spot on, the production design looks authentic to me and the result is a film that leaves you feeling a little inspired. I'm only sad this isn't getting a wider release in the UK. 8/10

50Eggs: n/a

DonkeyB: What a week its been for sport films. Another film designed to appeal to the Blue Donkey. Its a terrific film because it has one at its heart a powerful and moving story about Jackie Robinson's first years in the Dodgers organisation breaking the baseball colour line. If the film does nothing else but introduce more people to the great human beings who were, Jackie and Rachel Robinson, Branch Rickey, Pee Wee Reese and Red Barber that just might be enough. They are magnificent and inspiring company during the film and  anyone who wants to know more should check out The Boys of Summer by Roger Kahn; also about the Brooklyn Dodgers. Go see the it if you can. 8/10

Overall: 8/10

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