Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Wolf of Wallstreet

SF: This reminded me of a mix between Blow and GoodFellas. On the whole I rather enjoyed the film, the plot was intriguing, the acting from DiCaprio superb and the direction was fine but not Scorcese's best. For the most part you could tell where this was going and it isn't breaking new ground but has enough pull to hold your interest for the most part. However the last hour drags somewhat and for me this could of done with being about 45 min shorter.  7/10

50 Eggs: Two words: Margot. Robbie. SF will be rolling her eyes that she is the first thing I mention in this review, but seriously, Margot. Robbie. On a less important subject, this is a great film with a fantastic 'rise and fall' story. The fall part takes a bit too long to get to but otherwise I cant fault this. 8.5/10

DonkeyB: n/a

Overall: 7.75/10

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