Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Woman in Black

SF: The stage show left me rather unnerved, the film however was dull. Everything was long and drawn out, probably for dramatic effect. Even the bits when you were supposed to jump were easily seen coming. I'll give credit to the additional character development, it did keep the story going but I can't say I enjoyed this, average movie really. Nice eerie cinematography though. 5/10

50 Eggs: Good. A ghost story with an unsettling atmosphere, genuine scares & plausible motivations. The play is the best thing I've ever seen onstage, & though this dilutes the recipe somewhat, the essence remains. [Spoiler] Those familiar with the source material will be anticipating the Haymaker ending. Unfortunately, whilst the film dons the knuckleduster, it then pulls its punch at the last second. A cop-out, and so marked down to 8/10.

DonkeyB: n/a

Overall - 6.5/10

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